Tuesday 8 July 2014

Monitoring XMM's Trading Volume

A main objective of XMM project is to improve liquidity in Ripple ecosystem. Thus it might be a concern to our holders that how much volume actually had we contributed to the markets.

I didn't have a tool to keep track of our volume, until the implementation of this ripple-data-api -- "market_traders" on RippleCharts.com (read the documentation here: http://docs.rippledataapi.apiary.io/). Then a simple web-tool had just been developed for the ease of XMM-holders to monitor our trading volume.

the tool: http://ripplerm.github.io/XMM-utilities/volume.html
(sourcecode available on XMM-utilities.)

Simple Guide:
1. select the Base and Counter Currency, as well as their issuers (leave blank for XRP).
2. select a time rage (the API only support 24h, 3d or 7d).
3. select a start-time for the period.
4. click submit.

It will show the volume traded by XMM accounts for the currency-pair during the selected period. The top-10 traders for the selected market will be listed out, if the "List Top Trader" box was checked. You may compare the figures of this tool with the ones on http://www.ripplecharts.com/#/active_accounts.

Queries with the tool show that XMM is now among the top market-makers for BTC.SnapSwap, BTC.JustCoint, BTC.TheRock, USD.SnapSwap, USD.RippleSingapore, CNY.RippleChina, CNY.RippleCN, EUR.SnapSwap, EUR.TheRockTrading, NZD.Coinex, and XAG.RippleSingapore. Our contributions to BTC.Bitstamps and USD.Bitstamp are less significant when compared to Market's Total-Volume, although the absolute volume on these markets are highest within our accounts.

A more universal version of this tool was published on ripple-utilities, which you could manually key-in any currency-code & issuer-address, and any trading account that you might like to monitor.