Unit Value and Return Rate
Historical NAV of XMM unit, measured in different currencies:
(exchange rate)^ | |||||
28/02/14 | 1.000 | 0.01420 | 0.00002481 | 70.44 | 40,300 |
31/03/14 | 1.426 | 0.01306 | 0.00002755 | 109.14 | 51,761 |
30/04/14 | 2.590 | 0.01370 | 0.00003103 | 188.98 | 83,466 |
31/05/14 | 3.084 | 0.01243 | 0.00002057 | 248.08 | 149,903 |
30/06/14 | 3.433 | 0.01312 | 0.00002153 | 261.646 | 159,415 |
31/07/14 | 2.675 | 0.01397 | 0.00002390 | 191.503 | 111,912 |
31/08/14 | 3.024 | 0.01486 | 0.00003013 | 203.496 | 100,336 |
* Calculated based on the exchange-rates listed on the right columns.
^ exchange-rates are vwap of IOU.Bitstamp on the last day of each month (source: ripplecharts.com).
Return rate, measured in different currencies:
~XRP | ~USD | ~BTC | average | |
Mar-2014 | 42.6% | -8.0% | 11.0% | 15.2% |
Apr-2014 | 81.6% | 4.9% | 12.6% | 33.0% |
May-2014 | 19.1% | -9.3% | -33.7% | -8.0% |
Jun-2014 | 11.3% | 5.5% | 4.7% | 7.2% |
Jul-2014 | -22.1% | 6.5% | 11.0% | -1.5% |
Aug-2014 | 13.0% | 6.4% | 26.1% | 15.2% |
3-months Ended 31st-Aug | -2.0% | 19.5% | 46.5% | 21.4% |
6-months Ended 31st-Aug | 202.4% | 4.7% | 21.4% | 76.2% |
Review and Comment:
During the month, NAV of our fund appreciated 13% against XRP, 6.4% against USD and 26.5% against BTC. The average figure was 15.2% profit.
XRP price was quite stable throughout the whole month of August. It seems that our trading bots perform quite well during this low-volatile period.
For 3-months-period ended August, our fund record an average return of 21%.
Since the inception of XMM six-month ago, its value appreciated 76.2% in average.
XMM's Contribution to Liquidity
(During the periods of 25th-Aug ~ 31st-Aug.)
BTC/XRP and BTC/USD markets:
XMM Trade Volume | % of Total volume | |
BTC.Bitstamp / XRP | BTC 14.64 | 2.43% |
BTC.SnapSwap / XRP | BTC 15.15 | 3.47% |
BTC.JustCoin / XRP | BTC 2.92 | 9.28% |
BTC.TheRock / XRP | BTC 0.30 | 22.57% |
BTC.Bitstamp / USD.Bitstamp | BTC 1.68 | 1.27% |
BTC.Bitstamp / USD.SnapSwap | BTC 4.38 | 17.79% |
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.Bitstamp | BTC 1.71 | 7.22% |
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.SnapSwap | BTC 11.42 | 10.32% |
BTC.JustCoin / USD.Bitstamp | BTC 0.005 | 0.09% |
BTC.JustCoin / USD.SnapSwap | BTC 0.669 | 15.10% |
Fiats/XRP and Fiats/USD markets:
XMM Trade Volume | % of Total volume | |
USD.Bitstamp / XRP | USD 6,162 | 1.07% |
USD.SnapSwap / XRP | USD 7,823 | 3.29% |
CNY.RippleChina / XRP | CNY 40,888 | 2.88% |
CNY.RippleCN / XRP | CNY 56,274 | 3.48% |
EUR.SnapSwap / XRP | EUR 2,481 | 11.65% |
EUR.TheRock / XRP | EUR 775 | 7.27% |
NZD.Coinex / XRP | NZD 154 | 15.38% |
USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleChina | USD 948 | 2.11% |
USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleCN | USD 2,529 | 2.49% |
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleChina | USD 1,796 | 5.42% |
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleCN | USD 2,737 | 10.07% |
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.SnapSwap | USD 624 | 34.46% |
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.SnapSwap | USD 2,339 | 11.49% |
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.TheRockTrading | USD 383 | 50.00% |
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.TheRockTrading | USD 475 | 48.07% |
USD.Bitstamp / NZD.Coinex | USD 69 | 50.00% |
USD.SnapSwap / NZD.Coinex | USD 119 | 43.12% |
Metals markets:
XMM Trade Volume | % of Total volume | |
XAG.RippleSingapore / XRP | XAG 0.00 | 0.00% |
XAU.RippleSingapore / XRP | XAU 0.1987 | 33.26% |
XAG.RippleSingapore / USD.Bitstamp | XAG 0.00683 | 0.01% |
XAU.RippleSingapore / USD.Bitstamp | XAU 0.06029 | 12.74% |
All data above were obtained through queries with RippleCharts API.
(a simple tool available at: http://ripplerm.github.io/XMM-utilities/volume.html)
Units and Holders Analysis
Unit in Circulation | |
28/02/14 | 111,042 |
31/03/14 | 167,198 |
30/04/14 | 245,885 |
31/05/14 | 424,209 |
30/06/14 | 479,689 |
31/07/14 | 455,570 |
31/08/14 | 314,068 |
Stats of holders on 31st-August | |
< 10 unit | 17 |
[10 – 100) | 7 |
[100 – 1000) | 17 |
[1k – 10k) | 22 |
>= 10k | 8 |
TOTAL | 71 |
Unit-in-circulation decreased by ~141k or 31% as compared to end-of-July. The new-issues/redemption prices quotes by hotwallet was maintained at ~5% spread through out the whole month of August.
Since the launch of RippleDividend, most of my efforts had been on the new project. Nevertheless, I will keep managing XMM in non-for-profit manner.
As a community project, XMM is always willing to allocate a significant portion of our fund for supporting less-popular currency-pairs and also new gateways. Currently we are among the top market-makers for EUR and NZD markets. Our next target would be MXN.Bitso, and maybe XAU.GBI.