Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Monthly Report, September-2014

Unit Value and Return Rate
Historical NAV of XMM unit, measured in different currencies:

(exchange rate)^


* Calculated based on the exchange-rates listed on the right columns.
^ exchange-rates are vwap of IOU.Bitstamp on the last day of each month (source:

Return rate, measured in different currencies:

~XRP ~USD ~BTC average
Mar-2014 42.6% -8.0% 11.0% 15.2%
Apr-2014 81.6% 4.9% 12.6% 33.0%
May-2014 19.1% -9.3% -33.7% -8.0%
Jun-2014 11.3% 5.5% 4.7% 7.2%
Jul-2014 -22.1% 6.5% 11.0% -1.5%
Aug-2014 13.0% 6.4% 26.1% 15.2%
Sep-2014 4.6% -0.4% 26.6% 10.3%

3-months ended Sep -7.8% 12.7% 77.1% 27.4%

6-month ended Sep 121.9% 13.2% 38.5% 57.8%

Review and Comment:
During the month, NAV of our fund appreciated 4.6% against XRP and  26.6% against BTC, but depreciated 0.4% against USD. The average return rate was 10.3%, which is in-line with our internal target of return rate.

XRP price was quite stable throughout the whole month. The poorer return rate compared to previous month was mainly due to the continuous fall of BTC price (about one third of our asset was allocated for BTC markets). And somehow our bots seems perform poorer when there's a directional trend in exchange-rates.

The Fund recorded an average return of 27.4% for 3-month period, and 57.8% for 6-month period ended September-2014.

XMM's Contribution to Liquidity
(followings figures was the trading data during 24th-Sep ~ 30th-Sep.)

BTC/XRP and BTC/USD markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
BTC.Bitstamp / XRPBTC 9.720.34%
BTC.SnapSwap / XRPBTC 11.101.21%
BTC.JustCoin / XRPBTC 2.412.33%
BTC.TheRock / XRPBTC 0.905.18%

BTC.Bitstamp / USD.BitstampBTC 2.951.02%
BTC.Bitstamp / USD.SnapSwapBTC 4.437.80%
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.BitstampBTC 3.259.89%
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.SnapSwapBTC 6.025.04%
BTC.JustCoin / USD.BitstampBTC 0.672.38%
BTC.JustCoin / USD.SnapSwapBTC 0.933.03%

BTC.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleChinaBTC 4.4122.37%
BTC.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleCNBTC 2.0628.66%
BTC.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleChinaBTC 0.529.62%
BTC.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleCNBTC 1.8930.06%

Fiats/XRP and Fiats/USD markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
USD.Bitstamp / XRPUSD 4,1180.57%
USD.SnapSwap / XRPUSD 4,8591.90%
CNY.RippleChina / XRPCNY 41,3753.31%
CNY.RippleCN / XRPCNY 37,2052.37%
EUR.SnapSwap / XRPEUR 2,15212.02%
EUR.TheRock / XRPEUR 4705.62%
NZD.Coinex / XRPNZD 00.00%
MXN.Bitso / XRPMXN 22636.61%
USD.LakeBTC / XRPUSD 3050.00%

USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleChinaUSD 2,7054.27%
USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleCNUSD 2,5992.89%
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleChinaUSD 2,38315.60%
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleCNUSD 1,4667.34%
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.SnapSwapUSD 37917.24%
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.SnapSwapUSD 2,40511.39%
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.TheRockTradingUSD 35845.25%
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.TheRockTradingUSD 53634.62%
USD.Bitstamp / NZD.CoinexUSD 0.0450.00%
USD.SnapSwap / NZD.CoinexUSD 9.688.61%
USD.Bitstamp / MXN.BitsoUSD 0.081.90%
USD.SnapSwap / MXN.BitsoUSD 2.0710.61%

Metals markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
XRP / XAU.GBIXRP 227,44823.41%
XRP / XAU.RippleSingaporeXRP 0.000.00%
XRP / XAG.RippleSingaporeXRP 6,1862.67%
USD.Bitstamp / XAU.GBIUSD 2177.42%
USD.SnapSwap / XAU.GBIUSD 3446.06%
USD.Bitstamp / XAU.RippleSingaporeUSD 0.000.00%
USD.Bitstamp / XAG.RippleSingaporeUSD 53.412.73%

All data above were obtained through queries with RippleCharts API. 

Units and Holders Analysis

Unit in Circulation

Statistic of holders on 30th-September
< 10 unit19
[10 – 100)9
[100 – 1000)17
[1k – 10k)17
>= 10k9

Unit-in-circulation increased by ~33k or ~10% as compared to end-of-August. The new-issues/redemption prices quotes by hotwallet was maintained at ~5% spread through out the whole month of September.

During September, we had initiated our support for MXN.Bitso, USD.LakeBTC and XAU.GBI.
We had also expanded our BTC/Fiats support to CNY, and had now become a major liquidity provider in BTC/CNY markets.