Thursday, 6 November 2014

Monthly Report, October 2014.

Unit Value and Return Rate
Historical NAV of XMM unit, measured in different currencies:

(exchange rate)^


* Calculated based on the exchange-rates listed on the right columns.
^ exchange-rates are vwap of IOU.Bitstamp on the last day of each month (source:

Return rate, measured in different currencies:

~XRP ~USD ~BTC average
Mar-2014 42.6% -8.0% 11.0% 15.2%
Apr-2014 81.6% 4.9% 12.6% 33.0%
May-2014 19.1% -9.3% -33.7% -8.0%
Jun-2014 11.3% 5.5% 4.7% 7.2%
Jul-2014 -22.1% 6.5% 11.0% -1.5%
Aug-2014 13.0% 6.4% 26.1% 15.2%
Sep-2014 4.6% -0.4% 26.6% 10.3%
Oct-2014 5.4% 9.9% 24.4%  13.2%

3-months ended Oct. 24.7% 16.4% 98.5% 46.5%

6-month ended Oct. 28.8% 18.7% 52.9% 33.5%

Review and Comment:
During the month, NAV of our fund appreciated 5.4% against XRP and  9.9% against USD, and 24.4% against BTC. The average return rate was 13.2%, which is in-line with our internal target.

XRP price was rather stable in October, while BTC continue a mile downtrend. The performances of our bots during this period are quite satisfactory.

The Fund recorded an average return of 46.5% for 3-month period, and 33.5% for 6-month period ended October-2014.

XMM's Contribution to Liquidity
(followings figures was the trading data during 25th-Oct ~ 31st-Oct.)

BTC/XRP and BTC/USD markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
BTC.Bitstamp / XRPBTC 4.2970.44%
BTC.SnapSwap / XRPBTC 7.0260.79%
BTC.TheRock / XRPBTC 0.0080.06%

BTC.Bitstamp / USD.BitstampBTC 1.6171.60%
BTC.Bitstamp / USD.SnapSwapBTC 1.95211.01%
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.BitstampBTC 1.83016.71%
BTC.SnapSwap / USD.SnapSwapBTC 5.0891.18%

BTC.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleChinaBTC 0.7636.30%
BTC.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleCNBTC 0.90124.10%
BTC.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleChinaBTC 1.67512.75%
BTC.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleCNBTC 1.22713.74%

Fiats/XRP and Fiats/USD markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
USD.Bitstamp / XRPUSD 4,5870.47%
USD.SnapSwap / XRPUSD 8,5401.77%
CNY.RippleChina / XRPCNY 29,2262.33%
CNY.RippleCN / XRPCNY 39,7652.47%
EUR.SnapSwap / XRPEUR 2,2708.77%
EUR.TheRock / XRPEUR 1,2678.46%
NZD.Coinex / XRPNZD 20714.90%
MXN.Bitso / XRPMXN 6,53316.38%
USD.LakeBTC / XRP USD 17050.00%

USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleChinaUSD 1,3613.92%
USD.Bitstamp / CNY.RippleCNUSD 1,0221.05%
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleChinaUSD 3,6338.61%
USD.SnapSwap / CNY.RippleCNUSD 3,3496.82%
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.SnapSwapUSD 1,69034.76%
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.SnapSwapUSD 8,518 16.65%
USD.Bitstamp / EUR.TheRockTradingUSD 1,19739.94%
USD.SnapSwap / EUR.TheRockTradingUSD 3,65840.29%
USD.Bitstamp / NZD.CoinexUSD 23750.00%
USD.SnapSwap / NZD.CoinexUSD 25839.22%
USD.Bitstamp / MXN.BitsoUSD 3244.97%
USD.SnapSwap / MXN.BitsoUSD 80514.24%
USD.Bitstamp / USD.LakeBTCUSD 601.14%
USD.SnapSwap / USD.LakeBTC USD 8035.89%

Metals markets:

XMM Trade Volume% of Total volume
XRP / XAU.GBIXRP 267,42345.36%
XRP / XAU.RippleSingaporeXRP 0.000.00%
XRP / XAG.RippleSingaporeXRP 5,4142.52%
USD.Bitstamp / XAU.GBIUSD 69716.15%
USD.SnapSwap / XAU.GBIUSD 7308.82%
USD.Bitstamp / XAU.RippleSingaporeUSD 00.00%
USD.Bitstamp / XAG.RippleSingaporeUSD 00.00%

All data above were obtained through queries with RippleCharts API. 

Units and Holders Analysis

Unit in Circulation

Statistic of holders on 31st-October
< 10 unit19
[10 – 100)8
[100 – 1000)17
[1k – 10k)19
>= 10k8

Unit-in-circulation decreased by ~40k or ~13% as compared to end-of-September. The new-issues/redemption prices quotes by hotwallet was maintained at ~5% spread through out the whole month.


After three months of operation on Ripple Dividend, recently I'm re-considering the idea of converting XMM into a dividend-paying or simple interest-bearing fund. The exact model is yet to be finalized, and announcement would be made if there's a decision.